Avanpost solutions for authentication and access control

Outpost is a Russian vendor innovator in the field of identity security. Provides its customers with a powerful, easily scalable platform that allows them to move from a fragmented authentication and access management strategy to a holistic approach to enterprise security. Avanpost products are completely proprietary development of the company and are not based on Open-Source solutions. They are included in the register of domestic software, meet the requirements of information security and are certified by the FSTEC, applicable in GIS, ISPDn, CII, CVO.

Avanpost is:

1. Modern technology stack Development is carried out using two modern technology stacks, depending on the complexity of the business logic and performance requirements: Postgre SQL/.Net Core/EF/Akka.Net/Angular – for products with complex business logic; Go/BadgerDB/NATS/Vue.js is for high–performance services. Compliance with the standards: XACML, NIST RBAC, SCIM, OpenID Connect, SAML, FIDO U2F.

2. Fault tolerance at high loads The products are designed for use in high-load environments using distributed computing, clustering and load balancing technologies.

3. Ease of scalability Automatic resource scaling (Autoscaling) technologies are used, which allows you to maintain stability when the load increases and free up unused resources when it decreases.

4. Flexible integration bus The products adapt to the customer's architecture and systems, and can be implemented on a complex heterogeneous multi-domain IT infrastructure. Open APIs for all products and components.

5. Compliance with the requirements of safe development SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) standards are used in product development, which lays the necessary level of security at the heart of the system being developed.

6. Cross-platform Supported technologies: - a complete set of Linux distributions used in Russia; - Windows; - containerization of Doker & Kubernets; - Cloud Ready; - popular Open Source solutions; - popular proprietary solutions.

7. Modern web interfaces The web interfaces of the products are designed using popular Frameworks, which ensures compatibility and browser support. Extensive branding and customization options.

8. 24/7 customer support 24/7 availability. The flexibility of technical support plans allows you to choose the optimal ratio of price and range of services.

Business It, as a partner of Avanpost, is ready to offer you the following Avanpost product line for authentication and access control to enterprise information resources:

  • MFA+ Multi-factor Authentication+ Multi-factor authentication A multi-factor authentication provider with support for all modern authentication methods, flexible factor configuration through a user-friendly administrator interface;
  • FAM Federated Access Manager Federated identity Management Modern management center for multi-factor authentication in enterprise applications with support for identity federation;
  • DS Directory Service Directory Service is a solution for centralized user management, authentication and authorization in Linux infrastructures with the possibility of hierarchical representation of objects;
  • IDM Identity Management is a system for managing accounts and access to corporate resources of the enterprise;
  • PKI Public-key infrastructure Lifecycle management of public key infrastructure from a single center;

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+7 958 202 19 00

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Astana Qabanbay Batyr Ave 19