Raising awareness of personnel in the field of information security

One of the main trends in information security is to increase the awareness of staff about the rules of cybersecurity. Those business entities and organizations that neglect regular employee training often face operational failures and incur financial losses. Statistics show that at least 80% of incidents in the field of computer and Internet technologies are caused by unintentional actions of employees. The inattention of the personnel involved in the maintenance of information security systems, their unwillingness to comply with the requirements set by the management negatively affect the work of organizations, worsen their image in the business environment.

The Business IT Group of Companies offers business entities and government agencies a wide range of services to increase staff awareness in the field of information security. The implementation of the Security Awareness platform involves:

  • Conducting practical training with employees involved in the maintenance of information security systems in order to prevent possible incidents.
  • The organization of training for staff, so that employees can perform professional duties in accordance with the requirements of legislation regarding the protection of information security.
  • Informing employees about the emergence of threats relevant to the ISMS, training in the correct, safe operation of systems in emergency mode.

The introduction of the Security Awareness platform will allow for the digitalization of training, informing staff, which will significantly increase the level of information security in commercial and government structures.

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