Software development

Business It Group of Companies is a team of specialists that provides turnkey software development. The scope of work includes everything from task analysis to support for an already running application.

Our team consists only of professionals in their field who are highly qualified and have proper experience in solving complex tasks. We can develop cross-platform, server and desktop programs for different platforms. In particular, you can order the creation of a product for such operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Linux/Unix
  • macOS
  • Android

Application development in Business IT follows the following algorithm:

  • Task analysis (customer requirements)
  • Design development
  • Writing code
  • Testing of the finished application (tests are also carried out at all stages of work)
  • Software support, including application changes (at the request of the client)

We adhere to the principle of an individual approach. This applies not only to every customer, but also to every product. Thanks to this, the application ordered from us will meet all the parameters that you deem necessary. This ensures that the software is suitable for the business tasks for which it is created.

There are two types of clients that we have had to work with. Some people know exactly what they want, so they come with specific requirements, thoughtful design and documentation. Others only bring an idea. We are ready to perform any task for each client. The scheme of work looks like this:

  • Appeal. You tell us what you want to see in the end, share ideas, and most importantly, set a task. It is already possible to sign a non-disclosure agreement
  • Processing the request. Our team delves into the essence of the request, suggests ways to implement
  • Discussion. All the nuances are discussed with the customer, and a work plan is agreed upon
  • Signing the contract. The price, the deadline and all the features of the project are negotiated
  • The beginning of the project. A team is being formed to solve the task, communication issues are being resolved, and work begins on creating software

Our team is working with the following technology track and programming languages:

  • LAMP stack: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP;
  • MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js;
  • Ruby on Rails: Ruby, Rails, Rack, Passenger;
  • .NET: .NET, MS SQL Server;
  • Java: Java, MySQL;
  • net: ASP.NET MVC, IIS, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server;
  • MERN/MEVN stack: Similar to MEAN, Angular.js, with React or js

Write to us

Do you have a task for us or do you have a question? Write to us.



+7 958 202 19 00

Email Address


Astana Qabanbay Batyr Ave 19