Penetration testing

In order to assess the level of security of telecommunications and computer networks used by business entities and government agencies in their work, penetration testing is carried out. This is a set of measures providing for the simulation of different types of attacks by intruders. The testing process includes checking the security system for vulnerabilities that can provoke its incorrect operation, complete failure.

The main purpose of the audit is to assess the possibility of penetration into the ISMS. The information obtained allows us to predict possible damage from the actions of cybercriminals. Based on the results of the analysis, a report is compiled in which experts describe all the identified vulnerabilities in the system, and propose methods to eliminate problems.

Business ITT Group of Companies offers individual entrepreneurs, government agencies, and commercial organizations a wide range of services:

  • Testing of IT infrastructure facilities, critical software used by customers at work, mobile and web applications.
  • Conducting an in-depth analysis of the source code, identifying vulnerabilities in it.
  • Testing of automatic TP control systems.
  • Implementation of the code into the client's working conditions.
  • Detection of leakage of important information.
  • Implementation of measures aimed at eliminating incorrect authentication and problems with session management.
  • Detection of violations in the field of access control, unsafe deserialization, configuration.
  • Conducting cross-site scripting, using components with all known vulnerabilities.
  • Embedding XML entities (external).
  • Identification of the absence of mandatory monitoring and logging in the client's work.

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+7 958 202 19 00

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Astana Qabanbay Batyr Ave 19